Venue: Biomedicum Helsinki 1, Haartmaninkatu 8, Helsinki, Finland. Talks will be held in Lecture hall 1 (C wing in the P floor), with sponsor exhibitions outside the lecture hall. The symposium will ...
The Helsinki Institute for Social Sciences and Humanities (HSSH), The Finnish Karl Marx Society, and Resilient and Just Systems (RESET) are jointly organizing a seminar on fossil capitalism and ...
Are you curious about how crime, education, and housing shape segregation in the Helsinki region? Do you want to learn how we can measure these factors and improve our neighborhoods for greater ...
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to do your work practice week at a Center of Excellence, even if you had never heard of the center before? Joanna Laurinkari wrote a blog about her ...
European and Nordic Studies students made the annual excursion to Riga in February. European and Nordic Studies students made the annual excursion to Riga this year. We visited many interesting ...
“Funding should not be sought at any cost, such as by removing certain words from research proposals,” says Vice-Rector Anne Portaankorva from the University of Helsinki. The media have recently ...
As part of Una Europa university alliance collaboration, the University of Helsinki is involved in launching a joint bachelor programme in sustainability. Una Europa, an alliance of 11 ...
We had the pleasure to talk with Prof. Daniel Levitin about music and the brain, and music as medicine, also about fake news, decision making, and the role of curiosity in learning and longevity. Prof ...
Helsinki Education Hub (HEH) and The International Centre for EdTech Impact (ICEI), based in Stavanger, Norway, and are joining forces to support EdTech startups in evidence-building and market ...
For chemistry students and others interested in chemistry, there is available an extensive podcast series on Master's level chemistry. Created by professor Pedro Camargo from the University of ...
President Alar Karis visited the Institute of Biotechnology on 27 February to learn about current research and research infrastructure at the Institute. The visit was part of a two-day visit to ...