Fujitsu Limited today announced the launch of an open-source operations software for quantum computers on GitHub, in what is one of the largest open-source initiatives of its kind globally. The Open ...
Our advanced HPC systems, including the upcoming Monaka supercomputer, provide unprecedented computational power with a very low level of energetical consumption, while our quantum technologies—such ...
When I visit Japan, I am always impressed by the density of information everywhere. Ads fill public spaces, train maps meticulously detail every route, and Japanese TV shows are layered with texts, ...
The rapid adoption of generative AI technologies has generated extensive discussion. In his role as Head of Innovation and Technologies at Fujitsu Luxembourg, Steve Heggen have noticed an intriguing ...
In a context where sustainability has become imperative, companies must master their data to assess and reduce its impact. According to Cédric Jadoul, Managing Director of Fujitsu Luxembourg, data is ...
Rakuten Mobile, Japan’s newest and most modern mobile network, today announced it will begin deploying base stations utilizing radio units (RU) developed by Fujitsu Limited, as it accelerates the ...
Kawasaki and Tokyo, Japan, February 25, 2025 - Fujitsu Limited, ANA X Inc., Toshiba Data Corporation, and Kawasaki City today announced the launch of a pilot program aimed at achieving a decarbonized ...
Fujitsu today announced the launch of the Fujitsu Network 1FINITY™ P300 800G ZR/ZR+ coherent pluggable transceiver, an open, high-performance and sustainable key component for optical networking ...
Helsinki, 6.3.2025 – Fujitsu valmistautuu agenttipohjaisten tekoälyjen aikakauteen Private GPT -ratkaisulla, jossa data käsitellään paikallisesti organisaation tiloissa sen omassa infrastruktuurissa.
The Rt. Hon. Jonathan Reynolds MP (UK Secretary of State, Business and Trade), Takahito Tokita (CEO, Fujitsu Limited) and Paul Patterson, (Director, Fujitsu Services Limited) held a positive and ...
Fujitsu's Oyama plant, home to its photonics product manufacturing and management division, has achieved a perfect score of 100 (Class A-Excellent) in a supply chain CSR audit conducted by the Joint ...
富士通株式會社今日宣布,已與 Amazon Web Services(AWS) (1) 簽署為期三年的全球戰略合作協議(SCA)。本次合作於 11 月 29 日正式達成,擴展了先前在移動、金融和零售領域的合作範圍,進一步 ...