Many individuals, especially in companies, recognize the detrimental impacts of climate change caused by human activities. While some organizations have corporate goals to improve sustainability in ...
The other day, I was taking a stroll through the Memorial Union (MU) Quad when I looked to my right and saw Gunrock lying face down in the grass. His shoulders were shuddering and there appeared to be ...
During the rainy season, indulging in periodic glances out of the window to watch puddles grow ever larger on the uneven pavement outside is a classic activity enhanced by background music — and ...
I chose to disappear in an era where social media is equated with connection, relevance and visibility. Gone with the likes and comments, I deleted all of my social media accounts in a single hour, ...
Black History Month has long been an opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments and contributions of the Black community. This recognition is an integral part of social progress and the mending of ...
The Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) hosted a discussion with James Gallagher, the California State Assembly Republican leader, and Brian Jones, the California State Senate Republican ...
The Philadelphia Eagles — my team — are the 2025 Super Bowl champions. Of course, when I say “my team” I mean that it is their wins I celebrate and their losses I mourn. I share this team with ...
UC Davis students discuss the show’s resurgence and reintroduction of a new generation to female friendships, aging and sex (obviously) “Sex and the City” follows the life of Carrie Bradshaw, a ...
SR#7, which had support from attending members of the public, was saved for a later date over concerns that not all stakeholders were consulted The ASUCD Senate indefinitely tabled a resolution on ...
With a pastel pink title card, dreamy doo-wop music and a grocery store meet-cute in the very first scene, the structure of “Companion,” as a whole, perfectly encapsulates the relationship between its ...
It’s no secret that our childhood experiences shape who we become as adults. The way we were raised, where we grew up, the friends we had, our elementary education and so many other factors cumulate ...
College can be challenging for many students, with balancing social life, academics and work experience proving difficult across majors. Neurodivergent students however, may face unique challenges as ...