Il modulo Safety è uno degli strumenti chiave per le aziende che adottano le strategie del World Class Manufacturing (WCM). Dedicato alla sicurezza sul lavoro, rappresenta il primo pilastro del WCM, ...
The focus of Improve is the value stream, from order to shipment, with the goal of eliminating anything that constitutes waste. At the core of it all is data monitoring. The data feeds the tools ...
The Complete management of the plant and the production process Digital Shopfloor Management is the tool for full control of the plant and the production process. The information is used to ...
We provide a snapshot of the current production situation. The fundamental questions that a manager wants to answer are: “How am I performing when I can work?” “How many compliant products are ...
The constant monitoring of thousands of variables allows for working to reduce energy consumption, chemicals, and other raw materials used in the process. This knowledge enables a correct evaluation ...
It is a very useful solution to support operators, especially in assembly. Its purpose is to guide the operator step by step. Working in this way saves time and drastically reduces errors. Pick to ...
Scientific studies have shown that images are perceived before any other form of communication and are then shared through language. For this reason, using images accompanied by concise words is far ...
We believe that every small gesture can contribute to a more sustainable future. Our journey with bees began out of a love for honey, but then... What is "Bee Next"? “Bee Next” is a project that has ...
Today more than ever, culture plays a crucial role in giving meaning to the innovation journey we are called to undertake every day. It is essential for effectively managing increasingly "disruptive" ...
Il World Class Manufacturing is a business philosophy that place the customer at the center, aiming to optimize production processes to ensure high quality and competitiveness.
In a constantly evolving job market, we believe that people are the driving force of change and that an inclusive work environment is the key to innovation and value creation. This is why we have ...
L'acquisizione dei dati è una delle funzionalità più avanzate di IMPROVE. La raccolta di una vasta quantità di dati (variabili, parametri, ecc.) direttamente dal campo offre una base solida per ...