FARMINGTON — The town councilor who accused other city officials of wrongdoing has officially resigned after allegations of hostility. Councilor Mike Erickson resigned in a March 4 email to Mayor ...
Rhea Crane will serve again as the appointed Meade County auditor. Rae Blakeman, who ran for the office unopposed in the ...
The Rhea County Courthouse in Dayton, shown on Feb. 13, was the scene of the famous Scopes Trial in 1925. The courthouse has a museum dedicated to the trial in its basement and also has statues of ...
The University of South Florida's patent prowess continues, with the university ranking among the nation's top 20 public ...
USF President Rhea Law’s contract has been extended for “up to” one year or until the new president’s first day. At a Board ...
The University of South Florida’s Board of Trustees voted to extend outgoing president Rhea Law’s contract, originally slated ...
PHOTO FROM FLORIDA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES THROUGH WIKI COMMONS With the clock ticking on the search for a new university president, some USF professors fear a former politician could fill the shoes ...
TAMPA — University of South Florida President Rhea Law announced Feb. 17 she plans to step down after a national search is conducted and a successor is selected. Law has served as president ...
My staff works diligently every day to ensure that the Rhea County Sheriff’s Department leads the way not only in law enforcement and corrections, but also in fulfilling our fiduciary ...
With President Rhea Law stepping down soon, USF’s search is on to find a candidate who will assume the next presidential role. “I firmly believe that USF’s best days are ahead, and we look forward to ...