Adolescence on Netflix has swept the streaming landscape. Released on March 13, 2025, it is now among the year's most-watched shows. It revolves around Jamie Miller.
In Screen Gab No. 174, we recommend two acclaimed British TV series, catch up with performer/daredevil David Blaine and share ...
Adolescence star Stephen Graham's journey all started with one of his school teachers before going on to becoming one of the ...
The powerful aerial shot in the Netflix drama Adolescence, which reveals the murder scene and Stephen Graham's character ...
When you’re a parent and you’re not really watching ... it can seem like your child is just watching a cool young man talk about stuff on the internet.” ...
It’s a quiet, emotional scene that’s hard to watch as a parent. Eddie tells his wife that his only goal as a father was to avoid being like his own dad, who had been physically abusive. He thought ...
ROSS Kemp is to tackle one of the most disturbing issues facing young people today – the rise of child incels and growing ...
Adolescence actress Amélie Pease, who plays Jamie Miller's sister Lisa, has opened up about the meaning behind the sandwich, which plays a pivotal role in her brother's session with psychologist ...
Owen Cooper has most certainly been one of the most talked about young stars of the year with his breakthrough role in ...
March’s best new TV shows comprise a real variety pack—one that includes a few of the all-around greatest series we’re likely ...
Parents have become increasingly more aware of their kids repeating misogynistic things they've heard following the release ...
Discover whether Netflix's Adolescence is based on a true story, the real-life events that inspired it, and whether it will ...