Tanzania is no exception, with an estimated 12.1 to 17.4 million tonnes of municipal solid waste generated annually, ...
The 'Strong Together' project, a collaborative effort between Plan International Ghana and Safisa Ghana Limited, aims to ...
LAWMA’s research shows that approximately one million people, displaced by the climate, now live in open spaces across Lagos.
Lagos as one of the ten fastest growing megalopolises in the world, has a growing population that can be conservatively put ...
The decision to remove a public cardboard recycling bin was not an easy one, says a local leader. But the decision needed to ...
People living in one part of Merseyside are having to 'hold their nose' due to an odour that has blighted the area for years.
Retrofit 20 major gullies with $1 million in manual skimmers, hiring 100 locals at $1,000 daily to trap 100 tonnes of ...
Soft but firm, M B Rajesh is a rising star in CPM and Kerala politics. Minister for local self-governments, rural development ...
The qathet region has several things in common with places such as Tofino, Whistler and Squamish: easy access to the great ...
Dan O’Brien, 27, lives in central Birmingham and says he saw four dead rats on his morning walk earlier today. "For hundreds ...
People have become increasingly angry and frustrated about long-standing environmental concerns on the border of West ...
President Donald Trump is moving to open more of the nation to mineral mining and processing. Conservationist groups are ...