A faded blue denim amped his look. SRK posed amid the scenic backdrop of the setting sun in Jaipur, resembling his character Vikram Rathore from Jawan. Here is his photo: Fans took to the comment ...
Make way for new love, Scorpio. You may have thought the life and love you’ve been dreaming of would have to wait for a better time. Yet, the universe always reminds you that catalyst moments ...
Show yourself the same care you give to others, Scorpio. As an emotional and intuitive water sign, you also tend to be incredibly empathetic. This is a strength; however, it can also lead you to ...
Start entertaining new possibilities, Scorpio. You are on a quest to fall in love with life again. This likely will include major changes to your life and romantic status, but for now ...
In 2018, Rolex was named the exclusive sponsor of the Governors Awards, and in 2021, a founding supporter and official watch of the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures in L.A. Rolex/Bart Michiels ...
Believe in love, dear Scorpio. The Pisces New Moon rises and gives you a sweet taste of the love you have always wanted. You will be feeling in tune with your higher self and will be able to ...
They purchased Rolex watches and real estate, and invested in businesses. While the brothers' behavior in the wake of the crime may have seemed unusual, it wasn't hard evidence. But then ...
Scorpio, know your heart. While your romantic style may not appeal to everyone, you can and will find those you click with right away. You are currently in an era of life when growth is the most ...
A breakthrough always happens when you least expect it, Scorpio. You have wanted to move ahead but haven’t felt it was the right time. This inner desire for change has been frustrating as you ...
The New Moon in Pisces opens the door to romance, and love has a funny way of transforming your life, Scorpio. Venus in Aries is all about exploring and doing things out of your comfort zone.