Alpha Delta Kappa, Epsilon Chapter, met via Zoom (due to extremely cold weather) on Feb. 19 for its monthly meeting with 22 ...
A home on Hope Street in Providence recently sold for $2,070,000. With 11 bedrooms and seven and a half bathrooms, it has ...
POLICE are tackling parking issues around a Redditch school and have sent a warning to persistent offenders. Officers have been issuing fines and taking down registrations of people who continue to ...
Families in the Bidford area are becoming increasingly frustrated as they face a fight to get their children a Year 7 place in a local school of their choice. GILL SUTHERLAND spoke to concerned ...
The Governor-General, Her Excellency Quentin Bryce AC, Chancellor of the Order of Australia, is pleased to approve awards announced today in the Australia Day 2009 Honours List. Included in these ...
The Archdiocese said one grade level only has three students enrolled for the 25-26 school year, while another grade level ...
St. Simon will become the ninth Catholic grade school to close after the “All Things New” downsizing plan for the Archdiocese of St. Louis.
This popular event promises an enjoyable day of golfing, engaging games, fantastic prizes, and a delightful lunch provided by Big Earl’s BBQ, all of which ...
St. Mary’s School proudly announces the February Students of the Month, recognizing students for their outstanding academic ...
Last week, the Basilica School of St. Mary in Alexandria celebrated their second annual Inclusion Week. This week is ...
The ultimate goal of all of the more than 17,000 St. Mary’s public school students is to one day graduate high school.
St. Mary's School of Law is set to expand its offerings with the establishment of a new clinic, thanks to a generous $5 million donation from the ...