This is why Steve was particularly pleased to hear how Toys For Tots collaborated with the Souper Bowl of Caring to use the Tackle Hunger Map to provide about a million dollars worth of Christmas ...
ABC 6 is proud to celebrate the overwhelming success of the ABC 6 Souper Bowl of Caring, a donation drive to tackle childhood hunger in Central Ohio with all proceeds benefiting the Children's ...
Henderson’s First Presbyterian Church took part in the national Souper Bowl of Caring, running concurrently with a Souper Bowl of Caring drive led by Rusk County 4-H. For about two weeks, members ...
“Lord, as we enjoyed the Super Bowl football game, we were mindful of those without even a bowl of soup to eat” – this reflects the prayer that launched the Souper Bowl of Caring in 1990 in Columbia, ...
On the day of the Super Bowl, congregations of the ELCA and other faith groups will participate in the "Souper Bowl of Caring," a national effort aimed at raising millions of dollars for soup kitchens ...
Over the past three years, she has assisted in collecting and distributing food for her local food pantry and contributing to feeding those in need through the Souper Bowl of Caring. Additionally ...
For the past few years, she has also participated in the Souper Bowl of Caring collecting nonperishable foods for donation. To support and raise awareness for the homeless, Easton has spent the ...
Help us raise donations and non-perishable food items to feed families, children and seniors in Southeast Texas. Our vision is to create awareness and action so the Southeast Texas Food Bank has ...
Keep the game going! Tackle hunger when you join with our sponsor, Priority Wound Care + Wellness to fight hunger in Southeast Texas. Our vision is to create awareness and action so the Southeast ...
The event is one of the arts center’s biggest fundraising events of the year, and sees guests buying handmade bowls from ...