to copy Link copied! If you were in downtown Des Moines Sunday morning and looked up, you might have seen a strange sight — a helicopter hovering above the Ruan Center. It was part of an ...
Johannesburg — President Trump doubled down Friday on his offer to grant U.S. citizenship to White Afrikaner farmers in South Africa, accusing their government of treating them "terribly.
選罷法第79條規範,查詢提議人姓名、身分證及地址是否正確等,由選委會函請戶政機關依據戶籍登記資料查對,用戶政機關電腦輸入確認資料正確 ...
Celebrate world champion Springbok Ruan Pienaar’s birthday with a look back on his illustrious career. The 88-Test former Bok playmaker, who turns 41 today, was a key member of the team that won the ...
NPB表示,將持續開放球員自主申報,但28日並未收到新的申報者。 NPB在27日公佈調查結果時,選擇不公開涉案的14名球員姓名,對此,NPB事務局長中村勝彥解釋:「我們並不希望剝奪選手的練習 ...
First name 中文是姓還是名?Last name 是什麼?要怎樣填寫Family name 和 Surname?它們的中文意思又是否相同?旅行時訂機票及酒店,Middle name點填?訂機票填錯名分分鐘要付錢修正,甚至不能登機!