Stunningly and unexpected, virtually all of the selections on view in this exhibition are complete. Co-organized by the Art Institute and Rome-based Torlonia Foundation, it is the first time works ...
New radiocarbon dating at grand Huqoq sanctuary near Tiberias puts its construction after the empire embraced Christianity, ...
popular in the Roman Empire in the fourth century. “Roman helmet finds from the Iron Age are exceptionally rare in southern Scandinavia, and there are no direct parallels to this discovery ...
The excavation of an ancient Roman city has rewritten the history of the Empire's collapse ... which served a port on the River Liri between the late first century BCE and the fourth century CE, ...
The excavation of an ancient Roman city has rewritten the history of the Empire's collapse ... the River Liri between the late first century BCE and the fourth century CE, Popular Mechanics ...
Our weekly roundup of the latest science in the news, as well as a few fascinating articles to keep you entertained over the ...
The conjecture that the Irish, like the other inhabitants of the British Isles are of Hebrew extraction has for many ...
Explore the diversity and characteristics of ancient Greek dialects and understand their impact on the evolution of the Greek ...
The Wars of Alexander's successors, were a series of conflicts that erupted among the generals of Alexander the Great.
INRAP was called in to look at a plot of land ahead of the construction of a house – because in 1985 a Gallo-Roman villa dating back to the 4th century was unearthed next door. This 9th century map ...
"The city thirsts," wrote the Greek philospher Themistius in the 4th Century about the city ... Constantinople began as an ordinary Roman town within the empire. When Constantine the Great ...
Across the street vaulted a Roman ... was the map of the Middle East in the national museum, with Israel studiously excised.