Bill Burr made a surprising appearance on The View to speak with Joy Behar and her co-hosts despite being told not to go on the show.
“I’m on Propecia, so it’s a different thing,” Leguizamo said of his hair loss medication. “Propecia for your hair makes your ...
John Leguizamo joked about taking Viagra after his hair loss medication, Propecia, made it difficult to be intimate.
"Are you bitches gonna make me blush on national TV?" Navarro asked as her cohosts tried to take notes on her sex ...
Behar read Paltrow’s response aloud: “She said she was raised to see other women as friends and not foes and competition and ...
ABC has been asking Joy Behar to come back to The View for nearly three decades (with the exception of her temporary firing ...
“I’m on Propecia, so it’s a different thing," Leguizamo said, referencing hair loss. "Propecia for your hair makes your thing ...
But don’t take my word for it. Here’s Meghan’s own Twitter account, making it very clear why she recently started turning ...