"Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. And after He had fasted forty days and ...
According to these biblical accounts, it looks like Jesus Christ was indeed the Messiah. Curious about these Messianic predictions? Then click through and get to know some of the most fascinating ...
First, the mission of Jesus. He is the Messiah whose coming was anticipated and prophesized throughout the Hebrew Bible, also ...
There were double-takes aplenty as Wigan shoppers and motorists sighted a Jesus Christ lookalike in the town centre.
This messiah goes by several names, but his disciples refer to him simply as Jesus. He spends his days driving a cab, spreading the gospel, and preparing the world for the Kingdom of God.
The baptism of Jesus was a part of His fulfilling all the Mosaic laws. His parents had presented Him as an infant in the ...
High priests and kings were anointed with oil as a symbol that they had been chosen by God. The Jews, God’s chosen people, believed that a Messiah would come to save them. The land of Palestine ...
Halfway through the Gospel story, something rather dramatic takes place. Jesus has been born, has grown up, has been baptized, commissioned, and tempted by the Devil himself. He has gathered ...
Many Christians thought that the Revolt would inaugurate the eschatological event that would establish the new Kingdom on earth and herald the triumphant return of the Messiah. Jesus himself was ...
All agree that the present written form of the Talmud was compiled after the time of Jesus. But the “proto-Talmudic” tradition was “transmitted orally for centuries.” It seems that Jesus ...