When a young couple marries, they have all sorts of dreams of how wonderful life will be, maybe even how easy it will be, to ...
Bryan Johnson went viral several times before the recent release of his Netflix documentary “Don’t Die: The Man Who Wants to ...
Old Manuscript of Gospel Decoded by Researchers, Reveal Details About Jesus Christ’s Early Life A papyrus fragment remained unnoticed at the Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky State and University Library.
Do you wonder or ask yourself, why am I on this earth? It’s a longing question that everyone thinks about, prays about, and searches their soul for. God told Jeremiah, “I knew you before I ...
To shrug off bad behavior or poor decisions with “I’m not perfect” or “I’m only human” lacks integrity and substance. To acknowledge the reality of our state of being, which is ...
You see, the new life in Christ is the kingdom of God that resides inside all believers. When Jesus was on earth, and ...
BYU volleyball outside hitter Teilon-Jonathan Tufuga is back with the Cougars, ready to embrace his role as a leader for the ...
Saddleback Church Lead Pastor Andy Wood apologized to his congregants and staff for causing confusion, weeks after he shut ...
In his message, the Holy Father decried how obsession with efficiency, materialism, ambition, and self-centeredness has created a culture of loneliness and indifference in wealthy nations.
Faith, family and football. Those were the three things that are at the forefront for McKay Madsen and his life.
David Pollack began tackling people when he was six years old. The future three-time All American top defensive player with ...
When Jesus instructs his friends to "come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while,” it’s easy to project our ...