With such an expansive ensemble as well, Ghosts still has plenty of background characters whose powers have not been revealed ...
The tale of "The Haunting of Athenodorus" is one of the earliest recorded ghost stories, dating back to early Roman years of ancient Greece.
Uncover the chilling history of Guibourd Valle House in St. Genevieve, Missouri, where haunting stories meet the town's roots ...
A spooky collection of ghost stories from Bengal, titled “The Phantom’s Howl”, brings together some of the scariest and humorous tales of hauntings by masters of Bengali literature to a new generation ...
By Thomas Clapper FPS Staff Writer Tales of the supernatural and the unexplained have long fascinated readers worldwide, and ...
Based on Soderbergh’s personal experiences, ‘Presence’ promises a unique and immersive ghost story that explores the ...