Dear Help Me Retire, I am 63 and decided I want to go ahead and start drawing my Social Security retirement benefits.  I am ...
Data from TSCL’s 2024 Senior Survey shows 62% of older Americans worry their retirement income won’t even cover essentials ...
Older Americans get choices when it comes to claiming Social Security. The earliest age you can file for benefits is 62, and ...
Social Security is already an integral source of income for many Americans. But with retirement costs continuing to increase ...
If you and your spouse have a nice amount of money saved up, then you may decide that you'll each claim Social Security as ...
Ken and Rick discuss the pros and cons of retiring early and how this can affect social security benefits and taxes.
One claiming age within the traditional initial collection range of 62 through 70 is likeliest to maximize lifetime income ...
About When to Claim Social Security and Taxation of Benefits . Dear Rusty: I am 65 and currently working full-time. Can I ...
Yes, it is true you can claim early. The earliest individuals can claim their Social Security retirement benefits is age 62, which will permanently reduce your benefits since you haven’t reached ...
My actual benefits letter states that I am approved to draw Social Security, but at the bottom it adds, "Payments suspended because you are still working." When did this happen?? Claiming early ...
When you retire, you are most likely going to need Social Security to help you make ends meet.  These benefits are important ...
One of the hardest decisions you might have to make as retiree, or near-retiree, is figuring out when to claim Social Security. And the reason that decision is so tough is that your filing age will ...