IQMIND through its purchase of ProSports Technologies, expects to work on improving diagnostic technology at more than 7,000 ...
Romeo, MD Results showed Guardian Caps (Guardian Sports), add-on helmet shells designed to reduce head impact forces in football players, were not associated with reduced risk of concussions ...
You have things like football helmets, baseball helmets ... a storm you should still get checked by a doctor even if you are ...
The lawmaker says a youth football league in his district doesn’t allow young people to put cushioned add-on covers to their ...
The Senate Judiciary Committee passed the bill on Wednesday, entitled the “Cohen Craddock Student Athlete Safety Act.” Craddock, a 13-year-old middle school football player in Boone County, passed ...
Torres said the conference has been opposed because the helmets they use don ... California Youth Football Alliance and the Concussion Legacy Foundation. The debate is the latest chapter in ...