The animated anthology series features original stories set in the worlds of iconic video games. Rick Damigella has a look.
Secret Level adapts 15 stories from different video games, and its executive producers tell Game Rant how much it respects ...
Secret Level, an anthology series based on popular video games, will be released in two batches. The split release strategy ...
Secret Level’s impressive Warhammer 40,000 episode is perhaps the most authentic realization of a Space Marine’s fighting ...
Prime Gaming's current list of freebies includes The Outer Worlds, Dredge, multiple Warhammer games, BioShock, and so much more.
The newly released animated series Secret Level has generated excitement among viewers as it offers a unique journey into the worlds of over a dozen iconic video games.
I haven’t seen all that many people talking about Cross, the new Alex Cross adaptation starring Aldis Hodge on Amazon Prime ...
"Secret Level is a new adult-animated anthology series featuring original stories set within the worlds of some of the world’s most beloved video games. From the creative minds behind LOVE, DEATH + ...
These 15 games are set to be featured in Amazon's Secret Level series. With fifteen different franchises to cover across this highly anticipated anthology series, here's the low-down on just what ...
Fans of Secret Level on Prime Video are eagerly following the animated anthology series, which brings stories set in iconic ...
Alex Stedman is a Senior News Editor with IGN, overseeing entertainment reporting. When she's not writing or editing, you can find her reading fantasy novels or playing Dungeons & Dragons.
Sign up for a free Prime subscription to (mostly) forever-score: The Outer Worlds, Quake 2, Space Hulk: Deathwing EE, WH40k: ...