A traitor threatens to undo British Intelligence's sexiest marriage in a fun Soderbergh movie about what lies at the heart of ...
The acclaimed director’s new film features Cate Blanchett and Michael Fassbender as husband/wife and spies who may or not be ...
Over the past decade, prolific director Steven Soderbergh (“Out of Sight,” “Erin Brockovich”) has increasingly turned to ...
Michael Fassbender has said that Pierce Brosnan could be "quite scary" when they were filming scenes together for Black Bag, ...
Those going in expectation of action will meet disappointment, while the rest of us will be clamouring for a sequel ...
There is enough intensity and drama between its core characters to make for a wildly entertaining, tense and, dare I say it, ...
Steven Soderbergh’s latest—a sexy espionage thriller that forsakes explosions in favor of mind games—is 90 minutes of pure ...
Move over Mr. and Mrs. Smith, there’s a new sexy spy couple steaming up the silver screen, courtesy of Steven Soderbergh. Say ...
A married couple of top intelligence agents have their loyalties tested in Steven Soderbergh's new spy drama "Black Bag".
Steven Soderbergh’s latest film, “Black Bag,” about married spies who engage in espionage on one another, pairs two major ...
With an uber-cool spy thriller, an old-school buddy comedy and a fascinating and funny Aussie sports doco, there’s something ...
A spicy, sharp-dressed spy yarn in which more tea is spilled than blood, Black Bag shows that even lethal, married government ...