Recorded live in the courtyard at the LAX Marriott at Gallifrey One in February 2025! Listen as random podcasters and one astrophysicist are ambushed during a nice brunch in the sun with the recording ...
Jason Snell asks John Siracusa to rule on the meaning of various words and concepts. It’s not just about robots anymore. Have a question for John? Email [email protected].
I’ve heard it said by men of wide experience that podcasts used to be better in the old days. Kieran Healy discusses three short stories by Frank O’Connor: “First Confession,” “The Majesty of the Law, ...
A podcast that’s looking for love in all the right places. Join the Agents of SMOOCH as we delve into the romance of sweeping epics and classic romcoms. Our mission is to investigate the important ...
A podcast that’s looking for love in all the right places. Join the Agents of SMOOCH as we delve into the romance of sweeping epics and classic romcoms. Our mission is to investigate the important ...
Book Club travels to the far future for the sci-fi/fantasy mash-up “Moonbound” by Robin Sloan. Here be dragons! Not to mention wyrd multidimensional witches at the bottom of a pool, Arthurian ...
Recorded live in the courtyard at the LAX Marriott at Gallifrey One in February 2025! Listen as random podcasters and one astrophysicist are ambushed during a nice brunch in the sun with the recording ...
Two first-timers, a second-timer, a third-timer, and an old pro walk into a game show. It’s not a joke, it’s the 35th edition of Random Pursuit! And we put a new-to-Erika edition of Trivial Pursuit, ...
Steven Schapansky (Radio Free Skaro, The Memory Cheats) and Erika Ensign (Verity!, Total Party Kill) are married Doctor Who fans (who also co-produce a fiction podcast for Uncanny Magazine). This is a ...
An extended, ad-free version of The Incomparable Mothership, only for members. Episodes are often posted long before they arrive in the public feed.
Greatest musical of all time, you say? Plenty of people would agree. Stanley Donen and Gene Kelly co-direct Kelly, Donald O’Connor and Debbie Reynolds through a delightful Comden and Gteen score, not ...
Even when we like episodes, Brian can’t stand Sorkin’s titles. This is no exception. Dana’s going snorkeling, until she isn’t. We wonder if anyone truly LOVES snorkeling. Dan enlists Jeremy as the ...