TNBC, aggressive and lacking key receptors, complicates treatment, impacting prognosis and requiring specialized approaches.
The founder of Ginger Ah, China's first lingerie brand to develop both bras and the artificial breasts, says they struggle to ...
Women with breast cancer who receive chemotherapy experienced a lasting decline in physical health, a new study found.
IBC is a rare, aggressive breast cancer with higher rates in younger women and those of African descent, requiring a ...
Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in women in the U.S., killing more than 42,000 last year ...
Less than two months ago, 52-year-old Oklahoma State Representative Melissa Provenzano underwent a mastectomy for stage one ...
Dr. Kandace P. McGuire discusses how targeted axillary staging differs from traditional methods of staging in patients undergoing breast cancer treatment.
A special event at Dillard's in the Crestview Hills Town Center is offering a unique opportunity to support breast cancer education.
ER+/PR+ breast cancer, common and hormone-responsive, offers a better prognosis and is key in treatment research advancements ...