"Yucca Mountain was supposed to be the permanent solution," said Justice Neil Gorsuch during the Supreme Court hearing Wednesday.
The State of Nevada Judicial Branch announces the statewide legal self-help website selfhelp.nvcourts.gov includes features ...
The Uber-backed group Nevadans For Fair Recovery is running ads targeting “greedy” Nevada lawyers after the Nevada Supreme ...
It's a form of swagger not to make it to trial,” Committee Chair Brittany Miller suggested, adding a very experienced ...
The Supreme Court will hear arguments Wednesday in a decades-old fight that tends to put Americans on edge even more than ...
The case focuses on the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s approval of a project to store spent nuclear fuel at a remote site in ...
The Supreme Court on Wednesday wrestled with whether to restart plans to temporarily store nuclear waste at sites in rural ...
Washoe Commissioner Hartung's movements were tracked with a GPS device paid for by a "John Doe" who wants to remain anonymous.
The Supreme Court on Wednesday debated how to dispose ... over the Texas case invited discussion of a site in another state: Nevada. Texas and a Texas-based oil and gas extraction organization ...
In 2019, the Nevada System of Higher Education decided that students who needed remedial math instruction could receive it at ...
There are also home-grown legal reasons why Nevada law enforcement agencies should be reluctant to serve as local arms of ...