On March 14, 1879, Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany. His thinking revolutionized physics and turned the scientific community away from the macro world of Newtonian physics into the micro world ...
March 14 is often celebrated at Pi Day, but it's also the birthday of one of our greatest scientists whose work impacts us ...
Albert Einstein shook up physics by proposing that light wasn’t just a wave, but it could also behave like a collection of ...
On 14 March 1950, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) took a major step in crime fighting by publicly releasing its ...
Researchers from Würzburg have experimentally demonstrated a quantum tornado for the first time by refining an established ...
Researchers have experimentally demonstrated a quantum tornado. Electrons form vortices in the momentum space of the quantum semi-metal tantalum arsenide.
For the first time, scientists have experimentally confirmed that electrons can form tornado-like structures in momentum ...
Steven Strogatz and Janna Levin return for a new season on major scientific and mathematical questions of our time, with 12 ...
I've been working with this approach since my dissertation." ARPES is rooted in the photoelectric effect, first described by Albert Einstein and taught in high school physics. Ünzelmann had ...