After Twin Cities landlords were among those accused of colluding to use algorithms to jack up prices for renters, the Minneapolis City Council has passed an ordinance to ban the practice in the city.
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled this week that the ATF can regulate untraceable “ghost guns" that have led to an explosion in crime across the country and in Minnesota.
While some state workers may be feeling frustrated by Gov. Tim Walz in-person work mandate, business owners in St. Paul are ...
Nicolette Shegstad is back on the Internal Revenue Service payroll but on administrative leave. Voyageurs National Park ...
On Tuesday, the Minnesota Department of Health received notice of cuts to grant money creating uncertainty for health ...
In a major overhaul, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services will lay off 10,000 workers and shut down entire ...
The central business district described in the report goes beyond downtown proper, ranging in boundary from the Minnesota Transportation Museum on Pennsylvania Avenue down to the Wabasha Street Caves, ...
Minnesota Governor Tim Walz and former Congressman Beto O'Rourke will be in Southeast Texas on Thursday for a town hall event ...
When John North sketched his plan for a city in 1855, the very first square he drew served as the public town square. In 1910 ...
Following a court order from a federal judge in Maryland, the U.S. Department of Education reinstated teacher training grants this week to the University of Minnesota and the University of St. Thomas.