Suaram had said that its executive director, Sevan Doraisamy, and coordinator Azura Nasron were arrested by police at the NGO’s office on Feb 12. Two leaders from human rights group Suara Rakyat ...
Suaram executive director Sevan Doraisamy in a statement reminded that comprehensive stakeholder engagements were already conducted in 2023 by former deputy minister in the Prime Minister’s ...
The Observatory has been informed of the ongoing judicial harassment against Mr Sevan Doraisamy, Suara Rakyat Malaysia’s (SUARAM’s) Executive Director and member of the OMCT’s Executive Council, Ms ...
COMMENT | One of the universal principles of law is embedded in the following legal maxim, namely ignorantia juris non excusat (Latin for “ignorance of the law excuses not”) or ignorantia ...
Yesterday, Suaram said its executive director, Sevan Doraisamy, and coordinator, Azura Nasron, were going to be charged with trespassing on the home ministry complex in Putrajaya. A charge of ...
LETTER | We, the undersigned organisations, strongly condemn the arrest of Sevan Doraisamy, Suaram’s executive director and prominent human rights defender. The deployment of six police officers ...
executive director Sevan Doraisamy. He said the Act should be amended due to parts that are “inherent violations of the right to a fair trial”. These include Section 4(5), which provides for a ...
Jelutong MP RSN Rayer appealed for the Home Ministry and Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) to drop expected charges against two Suaram activists and another unnamed individual. The three, who ...
Born on March 23, 1893, at Kalangal in Coimbatore district, Gopalsamy Doraisamy Naidu was so mischievous and rebellious as a student that his father had to pull him out of school and make him work ...
in line with the prime minister’s assurances that the law will shift toward facilitation, not suppression. SEVAN DORAISAMY is Suaram executive director.
In welcoming the government's commitment to review Sosma, its executive director, Sevan Doraisamy, said in order to find a balanced and rights-based approach, it is crucial for the special ...
Suara Rakyat Malaysia (Sua­ram) executive director Sevan Doraisamy said the rights of detainees must remain a main consideration under the proposed amendments. On the setting up of a special ...