The Lord does permit afflictions and trials in our lives for our spiritual growth and good. Whenever we are in the midst of ...
Gifts, talents, and special abilities are distributed from God within the personal blueprint of our calling. Yes, all of ...
For six long years, Samrina’s life was overshadowed by pain. A persistent stomach ulcer plagued her childhood, leaving her ...
Keon Coleman has a hilarious way of comparing the Buffalo Bills MVP to a major historical figure. That would be ... Jesus.
Miracles reveal much about the mind and heart and will of God. They are God's immediate response to real-life human situations, and serve as signs or confirmations of who Jesus is. We'll use a ...
In an alley behind the Opportunity Center for the Homeless, a unique ministry known as "Gangsters for Jesus" is making a ...
Balejo and Carson: Miracles of Football in 171 Minutes and 10 Minutes ...
St. Joseph's Day altars are on display across the New Orleans area. The St. Joseph Altar or St. Joseph Table is an old ...
As we head into the end of March, you may be anticipating the arrival of Easter. But it won't be here for several more weeks.
Niko Hales has had an impressive first season at BYU, proving he has the potential to be a key contributor for years to come.
Even sexual harassment and tax cases have not dampened the popularity of Punjab’s self-styled preachers who are using social ...
On World Down Syndrome Day, March 21, we remember Dr. Jérôme Lejeune, a Catholic doctor on his way to sainthood.