A fighter? “I am a peaceful Irishman. That little, feisty Notre Dame mascot? Ignore him. He’ll go bug someone else.” ...
In the 1850s and 1860s, Kilgubbin was often mentioned in the pages of the Tribune and other Chicago newspapers. The name ...
Spanish language music continues to flourish at SXSW. And this year it has the official venues to match. Mala Vida and Mala ...
Wild species face an overwhelming threat from this virus and need as much help as we can offer them to help them ...
The Shark Nursery' is a one-of-a-kind book, filled with achingly beautiful poems that show a true artist at her absolute peak ...
RTE host Jennifer Zamparelli has hinted at a huge “change” for the Dancing With The Stars final. The popular presenter and her co-host Doireann Garrihy will be back in action on Sunday ...
When the bridge went L.E.D., an entrepreneurial stuff-flipper bought a bunch of the old lights, for thirty-five dollars a pop ...
Preparing week in, week out for the RTÉ cameras has given Jennifer Rock plenty of experience in tackling those nightmare skin ...
Just as "Modern Family" actress Sarah Hyland's screen career has changed from youthful support to lead, so too has her hair ...
For one day each year, James Joseph Quinn, baptized in a small stone church in Donegal, Ireland in 1966, holds the title of ...
It’s been a pretty eclectic Paris Fashion Week (March 3-11). We’ve had Victoria Beckham turn a dressing gown into a dreamily ...
CHLOE Redmond, the founder of The Body People, has created a studio in Hackney built for those who never felt at home in ...