How embarrassing to see one of our Trident submarines steal back home, speckled with barnacles, blotched with rust and with ...
I think Nato should have 5 per cent,” Donald Trump declared on 7 January. “They can all afford it, but they should be at 5 ...
I am subject to a chronic embarrassment. It is assumed that because I write about politics, I must be able to forecast the ...
A lecture delivered by the Minister for European Union Relations, The Rt Hon Nick Thomas-Symonds, at the Centre for European ...
British foreign secretary Ernest Bevin, no fan of the Zionist movement, described the essence of the Jewish-Arab conflict in Palestine in this way: ‘For the Jews, the essential point of principle is ...
In the 1930s he nudged his party away from pacifism and towards rearmament. After 1945 he and Ernest Bevin played an active role in the foundation of NATO and in the secret development of a British ...
Author Bevin, Ernest, 1881-1951.; Great Britain. Ministry of Labour and National Service.; ...
Ernest Bevin (left) in 1942. Photo by Howard Coster, National Portrait Gallery. Creative Commons.