Visiting my son, David, and his wife ... I will always carry with me their encouraging words. But next time I visited them, I left my hiking shoes at home.
TobyMac will always cherish the last words he exchanged with his son over text. Before Truett — who was an aspiring rapper — ...
Plans to encourage life-saving rare cancers research and “gift families with more time with the special people that they love ...
This is my son’s first year of full-day school and ... him feel bad about any of this—I mostly try to use rewards to encourage him. The teacher is aware of the issue and is doing what she ...
Sometimes, an act of kindness from a random stranger can mean more than any other words of encouragement could. One woman found this to be true when she received a kind note from a Chick-fil-A ...
You need to grow up” may sound like advice, but it's a devastating blow to a struggling adult child. Here’s why and how to ...
Unfortunately, gifted and talented curriculum and instruction is not getting a lot of attention. Teachers are overwhelmed ...
It is what I prayed for and I feel so happy to no end! In fact, my joy is full. Thank you so much for all the words of encouragement. God bless you abundantly. It’s been a long time that I ...
A senior from the south Chicago suburb of Harvey, Illinois is getting an unexpected financial boost to help her with home ...
EWTN News, Inc. is the world’s largest Catholic news organization, comprised of television, radio, print and digital media ...
For Cisco Ragsdale, mentorship is a combination of two seemingly unrelated activities: boxing and art. And at his non-profits ...