Archaeologists have discovered fossilized facial bones of an ancient human race which lived roughly 1.4 million years ago, according to a study published in Nature. The remains were first discovered ...
Around 600 million years ago, Earth was home to strange, soft-bodied sea creatures, but a powerful asteroid impact in what is ...
New Southwest Research Institute-led modeling indicates the main belt asteroid (52246) Donaldjohanson may have formed about 150 million years ago when a larger parent asteroid broke apart; its orbit ...
New research suggests the violent explosions of dying stars may have caused two of Earth’s biggest mass extinctions millions ...
Supernovas are powerful explosions marking the death of massive stars. They spread elements like carbon, calcium, and iron ...
The 700–1,300 feet-wide space rock deformed rocks more than six miles from the impact site when it hit 600 million years ago.
Donaldjohanson, a main belt asteroid, could be a relic of a cosmic collision that took place 150 million years ago.
Five 'mass extinctions' have decimated our planet since it was formed - now scientists claim the answers to two could be written in the stars.