Two dozen Arabian carpet sharks and three honeycomb stingrays were successfully released back into the Arabian Sea on Thursday morning. Considered endangered, both species’ return to the sea ...
So far, Indian spurdog sharks have been found in the Arabian Sea off the coast of Kerala, the study said. Kerala is a state on the southwestern coast of India and a roughly 1,700-mile drive ...
Sharks are a gift from God ... 5,000-mile migratory journey, looping down the Arabian Sea, passing the Maldives, skirting Sri Lanka, and reaching as far as the Andaman Islands before the ...
Whale sharks entangled in fishing nets off Thiruvananthapuram coast highlight lack of compensation for fishers, conservation ...
Unsustainable fishery in the Western Indian Ocean, and the Laccadive and Arabian Seas at alarming levels compared to the ...
The area is rich in a variety of commercially valuable crustaceans, including humpback nylon shrimp, Arabian red shrimp, deep-sea mud shrimp ... comprising fish like sharks), including sicklefin ...
Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif said on Monday that his country has been working towards safeguarding wildlife ...