The Air Force Junior ROTC at West Monroe High School performed their annual Bataan Memorial Death March on March 21.
He was honorably discharged in June 1946 at the rank of Staff Sergeant ... and the Howard University Air Force ROTC Color Guard (AFROTC). Lt. Col. Ware graduated from Howard University with ...
Bright and early, sharply dressed and ready for a day -ong inspection to commence, members of the Tivy Air Force Junior ROTC ...
Fred T. Foard’s JROTC leadership team members Damon Conde, Mason Begley, Noah Gordon and Tanner Queen will compete at the ...
Cadet Captain Ruthie Wriedt joined the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) when she was 16 and became a licensed civilian pilot at 17 ...
The way it was planned, Alondra Viera would spend four days with her fellow JROTC cadets from Cocoa High School this weekend navigating unfamiliar woods with a compass, learning to shoot a bow and ...
Students at Silverado High School are demanding their school reverse the decision to cut the JROTC Program next year.They ...
PHILIPPINE Navy Cadets finished with 44 gold medals while the much bigger units of Army Warriors settled with 42 and Air Force managed 18 in the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) Games National ...