As important as it is to know your own dive equipment, you must familiarize yourself with your buddy's too—here's why.
As important as it is to know your own dive equipment, you must familiarize yourself with your buddy's too—here's why.
Can sharks be kept at bay without harm? A scientist is testing an electromagnetic barrier off Cape Cod to find out.
People have been using tobacco for millennia, but vapes are still relatively new to the market. How does this alternative ...
A boutique upscale property on the north end of Ambergris.
Barbados Blue Watersports and Eco Dive Grenada were started by marine biologists with a vision for promoting marine ...
Monterey, California, is home to insatiably curious and playful harbor seals. Here's what it's like when they're zipping ...
Once, we woke up to the captain calling everyone to the deck. A young polar bear was attempting to board Barba. We kept it at ...
This sleek smartphone housing doesn’t require batteries, a specialized app or a wireless connection.
Since 2000, the National Lobster Hatchery in Padstow, Cornwall, has championed the European lobster by crafting creative ways ...
A serious dive watch with a seriously fun side, Momentum's new line of dive watches is packed with all the features you need ...
Breaking into the world of ocean science and conservation can feel overwhelming. The Women’s Aquatic Network helps women ...