Europe, Trump and Defense Spending

Europe would be "very vulnerable" without U.S. support, said Ed Arnold, a senior research fellow at Britain's Royal United Services Institute defense think tank.
Any increase in national defence spending should also be aimed at boosting economic growth, Italian Economy Minister ...
Guntram Wolff of Bruegel, a think-tank in Brussels, and Alex Burilkov of Leuphana University Lüneburg calculate the immediate requirement at 3.5% of GDP for Europe to be able to defend itself without ...
That means spending 13.4 pounds billion more on defense every year from 2027. I have long argued that in the face of ongoing generational challenges, all European allies must step up and do more ...
President Trump has called on NATO allies to increase their defense spending to 5 percent, with only three countries ...
Romania's defence spending could reach 3% of GDP in stages in one to two years, interim President Ilie Bolojan said on Friday ... -- An increase in defense spending in the euro area would likely impact the region’s public finances and gross ...
President Trump's comments underscore the reality that he's not contemplating putting American troops on the ground in ...