Diliman website is ranked first in the country in the latest Webometrics Ranking of World Universities, released on Jan. 27, ...
UP Baguio (PH #28, Asia 2460, World #6494) The University of the Philippines Baguio was placed in the 28th spot locally by EduRank. UPB produced 398 research works, which were cited 2,677 times.
Rappler.com Lyndee Buenagua is a third year college student and campus journalist from the University of the Philippines Baguio. The former editor-in-chief of Highland 360, a Baguio-based ...
Rappler.com Lyndee Buenagua is a third year college student and campus journalist from the University of the Philippines Baguio. The former editor-in-chief of Highland 360, a Baguio-based ...
It was renamed Baguio Colleges Foundation in 1966 and achieved university status in 2003 ... Business Process Outsourcing Association of the Philippines, said the industry needed graduates ...
Took Part in the  International Youth Assembly  by Ivy Grace M. Bunnat What does it take to fulfill a university endeavor?