As I was starting to feel proud about my accomplishments, my parents asked me to clean out the shelf and remove all the participation trophies that were occupying space. Without thinking much ...
As Trump prepares to return to the White House and wreak untold damage, Biden is handing out participation trophies to a failed establishment. He is recommitting to the delusion of a revitalized ...
Whether it’s free snacks, Ping-Pong tables, or beer taps, these perks—like participation trophies before them—are trinkets that do not thoughtfully consider the symptoms of the problem ...
NFL quarterbacks fear Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker James Harrison. So should participation trophies, the ubiquitous trinkets given to children for merely showing up and rounding out the rosters ...
Everybody is a winner, everybody gets a trophy, that's what's going on in schools today. It's almost like, then you go to a game and there really are losers. And it's amazing that people who don't ...
These are among the most famous last words of an exasperated head coach staring at the abyss while addressing the media after practice. Who has not seen, and who could ever forget, Jets coach ...