The Ottomans are one of the most interesting, yet misunderstood, dynasties in history. How did the Empire come about? Did ...
The Ottoman Empire’s most enduring kanun codes were already compiled by the end of the 16th century. Sultans Mehmed II (r. 1451-1481) and Suleiman I (r. 1520-1566) were particularly important in ...
The Balkan Peninsula, a crucial crossroads between Europe and Asia, has a storied history marked by the rise of the Byzantine Empire and the iron grip of the Ottoman Empire. From the conquest of the ...
The historical and cultural artifacts of the Ottoman era in Bulgaria's southeastern ... It dates back to the 16th century and today serves as a museum. Concerts are occasionally held in Cifte ...
For hundreds of years, Palestine had been an Arab and mostly Muslim territory, controlled by the Ottoman Empire since the 16th century. The Turks picked the losing side in World War I and were ...