Constance E. Squires’ novel is billed as the first work of fiction to tackle what is considered to be the worst act of ...
Prosecutors describe "The Turner Diaries" as McVeigh's blueprint for bombing the Oklahoma City federal building. The book's protagonists blow up the FBI building in Washington, D.C., with a truck bomb ...
On Wednesday, officials from cities impacted by their own acts of terrorism gathered at the Oklahoma City National Memorial & ...
168 Days to remember those lost in the OKC bombing: Claude Arthur Medearis S.S.A. Image courtesy Oklahoma City National Memorial Museum. We want to remember Claude Arthur Medearis S.S.A., while ...
168 Days to remember those lost in the OKC bombing: Karan Howell Shepherd. Image courtesy Oklahoma City National Memorial Museum. We want to remember Karan Howell Shepherd, while honoring those ...
As the 30th anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing ... to the museum, with construction scheduled to start in the fall. It will be called Foreward, like those found in books.
Timothy McVeigh is taken into custody after the Murrah Federal Building bombing. Photo courtesy of The Oklahoma City National Memorial and Museum. When Timothy McVeigh murdered 168 people ...