Mount Rainier, the massive stratovolcano in Washington state, has remained dormant for over 1,000 years, but experts caution that an eruption is inevitable. If it were to erupt, the consequences ...
Parts of Western North America Might Get Hit by a Volcanic Disaster; Early Warning Tech Might Be of No Use Volcanic eruptions ...
Even though Mount Rainier has not produced a significant eruption in more than 1,000 years, experts keep a very close eye on it due to its potential to blow at any time, and the widespread ...
One of the world’s oldest national parks, Mount Rainier became part of the federal system in 1899, shortly after its last eruption. Park status was the culmination of a long campaign by John ...
Last year, Mount Rainier National Park turned to a timed-entry reservation system for visitors who wished to enter the park during peak hours during its busiest months. The pilot program ...