A viral video showing two men kissing on the lips in Kuwait sparked strong reactions across social media as people expressed their anger with the video content, arguing that same-sex relationships ...
Friends, comrades and congressmen succeeded after 34 years to get Cipriano DelBosque awarded the Bronze Star Medal for ...
The richest men in Kuwait include several influential figures known for their contributions to various industries: Kutayba Alghanim: With a net worth of approximately $1.3 billion, he is the ...
Adwani, Secretary-General of the Kuwait Handball Association, confirmed that Kuwait will host the 10th Arab Handball Cup next ...
A total of 11,166 marriages were recorded that year with 83.1% or 9,280 marriages between Kuwaiti men and women. Divorce figures, meanwhile, showed an upward trend, with 5,932 divorces reported in ...
Article 3 requires all states parties to ensure that men and women are equally able to enjoy the civil and political rights set forth in the treaty. Kuwait's reservation to article 23 also seeks ...
First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Sheikh Fahad Yousef Al-Sabah praised on Monday the effort by the Coast ...