Masi is a name of a village in Talla Gewar, Chaukhutiya Block of district Almora in Uttarakhand, India. This village located near eastern bank of Ramganga River. Mostly villager of this village called as Masiwal however there are various notable villages Adigram fuloria, Bhatoli, Chauna, Dubari, Kanre, Naugaon, Unchavahan. The village is home to an annual sev…Masi is a name of a village in Talla Gewar, Chaukhutiya Block of district Almora in Uttarakhand, India. This village located near eastern bank of Ramganga River. Mostly villager of this village called as Masiwal however there are various notable villages Adigram fuloria, Bhatoli, Chauna, Dubari, Kanre, Naugaon, Unchavahan. The village is home to an annual seven-day Somnath festival that involves throwing stones into the Ramganga river.